How to download youtube video to powerpoint
How to download youtube video to powerpoint

how to download youtube video to powerpoint

Finally, we'll provide step-by-step instructions for how to embed a YouTube video in Google slides. We'll also provide you with some guidelines and best practices for choosing the right video for your needs. We'll explain why video can be such an effective addition to your presentation. Watch the screencast Embed YouTube Video into PowerPoint.If you're not sure how to put a video in Google Slides, this tutorial is for you. A few clicks in WinFF and your YouTube video is soon converting and ready for inserting into PowerPoint. WinFF is just a simple GUI interface on top of the FFMPEG program, a dreaded command line program, and not for the faint of heart. Every time I have ever used VLC to convert to WMV it left a few seconds of what I’ll call “compression garbage” at the beginning of the video. A free, open-source tool called WinFF comes to the rescue, as previously the only way to accomplish the conversion with a free tool was using the VLC player/converter. Now with the Flash video on the computer, it is time to convert it to Windows Media format.

how to download youtube video to powerpoint

flv extension included, something the Techcrunch tool did not do. Selecting a file will begin the download.

how to download youtube video to powerpoint how to download youtube video to powerpoint

Clicking the icon will reveal a drop-down menu showing the file(s) that are available. An icon will then animate in the toolbar of the Firefox web browser indicating that it has found one or more media files. What Video Download Helper does is “discover” any videos that are associated with a given webpage. Starting with the add-on, called Video Download Helper, we take the approach of having the tool available wherever the media is, instead of having to go to YouTube, copy the URL of the video, and then paste that URL at another website. Converting it to Windows Media also allows the side benefit of the ability to further edit in Windows Movie Maker. The download of the video is accomplished with a Firefox add-on, or plug-in (instead of a website), and the video is then converted to a Windows Media video file (instead of mpeg), which retains more of the original quality of the YouTube video. The basic difference from the previous method is that this approach is more streamlined. Now, short of PowerPoint directly supporting the use of Flash video, which it still does not, there is now a much simpler way of accomplishing the YouTube embed. It wasn’t all that difficult a procedure, but it had it’s clunky moments. If you didn’t click the link above to my previous post, I used a website (at ) to download a YouTube video, and then converted the Flash video file to an mpeg file using Riva FLV Encoder. In the mean time, YouTube has added a bazillion more videos, and some new tools have become available to make it much simpler to use that wonderful resource to enhance your presentations. A little over a year ago I posted Embed YouTube Video in PowerPoint Offline using various tools to allow the embedding of YouTube videos in PowerPoint presentations.

How to download youtube video to powerpoint